Thursday, December 10, 2015

Chicago Chamber Music Ensemble | Chamber Mondays Concert Series


One of the many things I like about Chicago is the huge number of completely FREE, high quality events sponsored by the Chicago Department of Cultural Affairs and Special Events (DCASE). DCASE events are always high quality and well organized. One of my favorite free weekly events is the Chamber Monday Series held at 12:15pm every Monday in beautiful Preston Bradley Hall at the Chicago Cultural Center. Preston Bradley Hall has a breath taking Tiffany stained-glass dome above it. The dome is the largest of it's kind in the world.

Chamber Monday concerts feature a wide range of music that routinely changes. One week you might hear opera, another week jazz or maybe classical or folk. The music is always interesting and the musicians are very high caliber. The audiences are diverse and appreciative. The setting is casual so come as you are. My wife and I often meet during work lunch hours. If you need you can quietly leave early. It is a nice break from any busy day.

Chamber Mondays Concert Series held in Preston Bradley Hall at the Chicago Cultural Center - Photo by Tom Bowser

The fabulous Chicago Chamber Music Ensemble performed pieces by Antonio Vivaldi, Francesco Geminiani, Michel Blavet and Georg Phillipp Telemann. The show was flawless and well received by the audience. The Chicago Chamber Musicians Ensemble is composed of Michael Henoch, oboe, John Thorne, flute, Paula Kosower, cello, Jason Moy, harpsichord playing Baroque Chamber Music.

If you are not familiar with Baroque Chamber Music I suggest you give it a listen. It's quite beautiful and relaxing!